The idea of marketing is to expose your business to reach out to the maximum number of people and generate their interest in their products and services. Every successful marketer knows that it all starts with easy to understand and eye catching signage, especially for businesses that depend on store visits. Further, it would be encouraging to know that more than 82% of customers search for local businesses and service providers and 90% of these believe in visiting a physical store. Consequently, the purpose of business graphics is more than just to covey a business/brand name. Signage, wall graphics and window graphics are in most cases, the first point of communication, education and information.
If you are planning on window graphics for your business, make sure you know these tips:
Size matters
Size is all about readability and capturing the attention of the passersby. The bigger the graphics and letters, the easier it will be to understand and read. It is a rule of thumb to have a letter height minimum of one inch. The size will also depend on the location of your shop.
Less is always more
Casual onlookers don’t want to process too much information. It is generally a single glance that does the work. Just make sure that you are employing a compelling message through either text or graphics.
Creating contrast
Contrast is a designing rule when you are trying to put forth some kind of information through deployments. This increases readability.
Choosing the right colors
The choice of colors you choose for your window graphics should depend on the personality of your brand, the type of product you are trying to sell, the audience group you are targeting, the lights installed and the location.
Consider hiring a professional window graphics designer in Kansas City to do a compelling job.