Located at 1204 West 27th Street, The Roasterie serves coffee houses, restaurants and all types of venues that serve and sell coffee. Roasting the beans from specialty grade coffees it imports, The Roasterie’s products are much sought after. When it came time to brand and market the business with a mobile advertising solution, the company contacted the professionals at Forerunner Signs & Graphics for assistance.
Box Truck Wraps for Kansas City Companies
After discussing the mobile marketing idea with the company’s management staff, we worked on sketches for a fleet wrap design. The first box truck we wrapped displays full color digital print vinyl with a gloss overlaminate. It features a number of blue tones that show off the Sporting Blend images as well as The Roasterie name and logo. Using the airplane theme to further add intricate imagery to the look, the box truck now emphasizes the foreign origins of the coffee beans that this company uses. A website address and the notation that the Sporting Blend is indeed the official coffee of the city round out the presentation.
How Truck Graphics Turn a Company into a Household Name
Everyone knows the saying that “repetition is the mother of all learning.” The same is true for successful advertising. When consumers see your ad multiple times a day or week, they are far more likely to remember the name and product of your business. Generating name recognition and creating brand awareness is easy when you opt for vehicle graphics. As your truck or other type of vehicle rolls down the highways and streets of the city, your marketing message is right there.
Of course, when you really want to go for the gusto, wrapping multiple vehicles greatly enhances the number of times consumers – even the same consumer – take in your message. The larger your fleet, the more likely you are to provide a repetitious display of your advertising for motorists and pedestrians alike. Capitalize on this advantage by providing them with stunning graphics and mnemonic devices to remember your products. For The Roasterie, the depiction of an airplane and the notation of being the official coffee of Sporting most certainly accomplish just that.
By the way, using fleet graphics gives you the added benefit of capturing the imagination of your customers even more. Some of our clients do not use an identical wrap for each vehicle. They make small alterations that display a different product or saying alongside the standard marketing messages. This enhances brand awareness but also keeps consumers on their toes if they were expecting different messages. Although this is not something every company does, it is a fun way of keeping the message fresh.
Commissioning Fleet Box Truck Wraps in Kansas City
Contact our graphic artists for more information on this marketing tool. We work with you to put together a look that expertly advertises your company while also showing off some of your products. Whether your fleet consists only of box trucks or a combination of diverse vehicles, we can help you with a wrap design that we can adapt to suit all vehicle makes and models. Contact us today to get started on your order.