Wayfinding and directional signs are used by small and big businesses alike. From a welcoming sign in the parking lot to “directing” consumers to the right space for their particular product and service needs, these signs are a crucial part of any business.
Read on to know what factors must be considered while designing a wayfinding sign for your business.
Legible fonts and contrasting colors
Fonts of the right size and with high legibility are best suited for wayfinding and directional signs. Contrasting shades for the background and the font helps read the information from a greater distance. While neutral colors may look elegant for the buildings, it is best to keep in bright and bold for the wayfinding signs.
Features to minimize the damaged look
In most cases, wayfinding signs are exposed to sun, rain, weed growth and human damage too. Include certain measures like a textured finish (to hide blemishes), protective cover for engraved letters and place parking lot signs away for curb stops to minimize damage.
Choose sign material carefully
Materials used to make the sign must be chosen based on the usage and anticipated level of damage. For instance, an economical metal sign can be designed with engraved directions and made to match the expected level of visual appeal. However, they may not last long due to the inexpensive material. In cases where it is required, use quality aluminum signs with textured finish for a more long lasting effect.